选择题:12.Americans enjoy many opportunities for further

12. Americans enjoy many opportunities for further education in that__________.
A. they are entitled to university education for free
B. they do not need to participate in college entrance exams
C. their scores in the exams given by private companies are not the only criterion for
college admission
D. they can attend vocational schools or community colleges at a considerably lower cost

下列各项活动中,属于筹资活动产生的现金流量项目的是( )。A 以现金偿还债务的本金 B 支付现

下列各项活动中,属于筹资活动产生的现金流量项目的是( )。A 以现金偿还债务的本金 B 支付现金股利 C支付借款利息 D 发行股票筹集资金 E


42.Companies publish ________ reports to inform th

42.Companies publish ________ reports to inform the public about the previous y


36. My mother taught me to do ________and subtract

36. My mother taught me to do ________and subtraction.A. addiction B. addition


习近平指出:“中国梦的本质是______。” A、国家富强B、民族振兴C、人民幸福D、社会和谐

习近平指出:“中国梦的本质是______。” A、国家富强B、民族振兴C、人民幸福D、社会和谐
