单选题:根据下面资料,回答题 It was Sharing Day! The teacher had asked the stu

  • 题目分类:英语
  • 题目类型:单选题
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It was Sharing Day! The teacher had asked the students to bring something interesting to class.
Jimmy found the little box he and Dad had made.Inside was a piece of rock, a sand dollar and ashark (鲨鱼) tooth.Nobody could have anything as interesting as these !
In class, Jimmy waited anxiously, hoping to be called on first by the teacher.But Kara was first.
She held up a sand dollar.Jimmy's eyes grew big.
"I found this on the beach, "Kara said."It' s interesting.The little holes that make the sand dollarlook like a flower are breathing holes.See all the needles? They help the sand dollar move and dig intothe sand."
Jimmy was a little uneasy.Oh, well, he still had his rock and shark tooth.
Then Mark stood up. "This is my favorite rock, called pumice (浮石)." Then Mark dropped therock into a glass of water."Look ! Pumice is the only rock that floats !"
Jimmy put up his hand and waved, but the teacher called on Justin instead.
"I found this shark tooth in Hawaii last Christmas, "Justin said.
The class was excited, but Jimmy lowered his head."Sharks have rows of teeth.Every time a shark loses a tooth, another one takes its place."Justinpassed the tooth around.
Jimmy heard the teacher call him.He stood on one foot and then the other."Well, ah, see...mytreasure box is interesting ! It was just a piece of wood until Dad and I cut it into pieces and finally madea box out of it.It smells good, reminding us of camping."
"What's inside?" asked Lisa.
Jimmy opened his box."A sand dollar, a piece of pumice and a shark tooth."
His classmates' mouths dropped open.The teacher looked at the objects in the box and smiled.
"Now that' s interesting ! "he said.
On the Sharing Day, Jimmy_______. A.bought a treasure box to hold his interesting things
B.enjoyed the things others brought to the class
C.waited patiently to be called on by his teacher
D.wished to be the first to share his possessions

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