单选题:根据下面内容,回答题 Today television is one of the most popular forms

Today television is one of the most popular forms of entertainment in the home. Some peoplein places where television reception is good may think that television has taken the place of theradio. Television, however, is actually a kind of radio. It uses special equipment for sending andreceiving pictures. The television sound uses the same type of equipment that is used in other formsof radio.
Exchanging messages with ships at sea was one of the first uses of radio. Modem radio is stillused for this purpose and for communication across oceans. On land too, radio provides a means ofinstant communication even with moving vehicles such as taxicabs or service trucks.
Police forces use two-way radio to get information from and to officers in squad cars and onmotorcycles. Small portable set makes it possible to communicate with a central exchange whilewalking or riding in a city or over a countryside. Observers in airplanes can report traffic accidentsand traffic jams by radio to the police officers on the ground.
Radiotelephones are used in many places. Connection with the regular telephone service canbe provided for boats, trains, and cars. Isolated places in deserts, forests, and mountainous regionsare linked by radiotelephone in many parts of the world. Thus by means of radio people cancommunicate with others wherever service is provided.
According to the passage, television( ). A.has taken the place of radio
B.is no longer popular in the home
C.can be regarded as a kind of radio
D.has nothing in common with radio


2012年,江西省全社会实际利用外资同比( )。

2012年,江西省全社会实际利用外资同比( )。 A.增长0.7% B.增长2.5% C.下降0.7% D.下降2.5%





根据下面内容,回答题、 Exercise is one of the few factors with a positi

根据下面内容,回答题、 Exercise is one of the few factors with a positive role in long-te


甲商店出租商铺应缴纳营业税税额的下列计算中,正确的是(  )。

甲商店出租商铺应缴纳营业税税额的下列计算中,正确的是(  )。A.(50000-5000)×5%=2250(元) B.(50000-3000)×5%=2350(


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根据社会保险法律制度的规定,基本养老保险个人账户缴纳工资的比例为(  )。A.6% B.8% C.12% D.11%
