患者,男,34岁,因房屋倒塌压在上半身30分钟,呼吸困难,体格检查见患者神志清,血压18/14kPa,脉搏100次,分钟 患者,男,34岁,因房屋倒塌压在上半身30分钟,呼吸困难,体格检查见患者神志清,血压18/14kPa,脉搏100次,分钟,呼吸30次/分钟,两眼结膜充血.颈静脉 分类:口腔执业医师 题型:单选题 查看答案
How did the state control education? How did the state control education?A.[ A ] By setting up certain standard and r 分类:口腔执业医师 题型:单选题 查看答案
Where does the conversation most probably take place? Where does the conversation most probably take place?A. In the supermarke B. In 分类:口腔执业医师 题型:单选题 查看答案