The furore is determined by the actions of the present day. The responsibility we have for the fu-ture begins when we recognize that we ourselves create the future-that the future is not somethingimposed upon us by fate or other forces beyond our control. We ourselves build the future boththrough what we do and what we do not do.
Mrs. John:
The future will see more unbelievable things. In the future, people will be able to predict theirperformance from the strength of the brain’s electrical activity. Doctor Kramer has found that thestrength of the brain’s electrical activity can be measured through the scalp (头皮). Bosses couldmeasure brain activity through the scalp and tell whether a worker is performing well, working hard,or too tired to do the job properly.
In the new century, things around us will be more fascinating. The chemical element in the heart issaid to increase your desire for fat, when is stimulated. This means that disturbances of this chemical ge-latin can lead to overeating. Doctor Sarah Leibowits presented an academic paper suggesting that the ap-petite for fat rich food can be controlled through drugs that block the effects of gelatin.
In the future our life will change dramatically. It is quite certain that computers will play animportant part in our life. You will visit your doctor, and find that he uses a computer screen andvisual information about your condition, instead of his text books. Computers in your home will enable you to answer interactive questions about your health and show the alternative results whichwill affect you if you act in a certain way.
In the future, computers will change the way the doctors diagnose and treat their patients. Alsodoctors will change their traditional notion of medicine. Although pills for tension, heart conditions, being overweight and other life threatening conditions are prescribed by western doctors, most doctors now require patients to focus on healthy way of living by changing diets and doingmore exercise as a means to keep fit.
Now match each of the items (61 to 65) to the appropriate statement.Note: there are two extra statements.
[A]You build your own future.
[B]Healthy lifestyle will be a more popular way to keep fit.
[C]Computer will be an effective tool for doctors.
[D]Doctors may not need pills for heart troubles or over
[E]Your brain waves may be used to check out your work performance.
[F]People will be able to visit doctors more frequently.
[G]Our appetite will be well controlled by drugs.