单选题:请根据短文内容,回答题。The American definition of success is largely o

The American definition of success is largely one of acquiring wealth and a high material standard of living.It is not surprising,____51____,that kmericans have valued education for its monetary value.The belief is widespread in the United States____52____the more schooling people have,the more money they will make when they leave sch001.The belief is strongly reflecting the desirability of an undergraduate university degree,or a professional degree such as medicine or law ____53____ the undergraduate degree.The money value of graduate degrees in ____54____ such as art,history,or philosophy is not yet great.
This belief in the monetary value of education is ____55____ by research outcomes on income.Ben Wattenberg,a social scientist,estimates that in the ____56____ of a lifetime a man with a college school diploma in l972 could earn about$380,000 more than a man who only had a high school diploma.
Perhaps this helps to explain survey ____57____ which showed that Americans who wished they had lived their lives differently in some way regretted ____58____ of all that they did not get more education.The regret is ____59____ by those who have made themselves to the top and by those who have not.Even a man like Douglas Fraser,the president of the United Auto Workers Union,a nationally known and successful leader,was troubled by regrets that he did not climb higher on the ____60____ ladder.
_________ A.however


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