单选题:根据下列文章,请回答题。Text 2  Everyone of us lives and works on a smal

根据下列文章,请回答题。Text 2
  Everyone of us lives and works on a small part of the earth's surface, moves in a small circle,and of these acquaintances knows only a few intimately. Of any public event that has wide effects we see at best only a phase and an aspect. This is true that the eminent insiders, who draft treaties,make laws, and issue orders, are like those who have treaties framed on them, laws promulgated to them, orders given at them. Inevitably our opinions cover a bigger space, a longer reach of time,many things, that we can directly observe. So they have to be pieced together out of what others have reported and what we can imagine. Yet even the eyewitness does not bring back a naive picture of the scene. For experience seems to show that he himself brings something to the scene which later he takes away from it, that oftener than not what he imagines to be the account of an event is really a transfiguration of it. Few facts in consciousness seem to be merely given. Most facts in consciousness seem to be partly made. A report is the joint product of the knower and known,in which the role of the observer is always selective and usually creative. The facts we see depend on where we are placed, and the habits of our eyes.The limited time and space which man occupies suggest, according to the paragraph,_____ A.man's life is also insignifican
B.man's opinions can not be accurate at al
C.human observations in general are all but partia
D.man cannot have any opinio


客户融资买人证券的,应当以卖券还款或者直接还款的方式偿还向证券公司融人的资金;客户融券卖出的,应当以买券还券或者直接还券的方式偿还向证券公司融入的证券。(  )



2005年对《公司法》的修订健全了董事会制度,突出董事会集体决策作用,强化对董事长权力的制约,细化董事会会议制度和工作程序。(  )



证券登记结算公司按照业务规则收取的各类结算资金和证券,必须存放于专门的清算交收账户,只能按业务规则用于已成交的证券交易的清算、交收,必要时强制执行。(  )


20世纪B0年代开始,我国恢复发行国债,一批大型国有企业开始进行多种形式的股份制、企业债券的尝试。(  )

20世纪B0年代开始,我国恢复发行国债,一批大型国有企业开始进行多种形式的股份制、企业债券的尝试。(  )


介绍经纪商可以从事以下部分或全部中间服务业务(  )。

介绍经纪商可以从事以下部分或全部中间服务业务(  )。A.招揽投资者从事股指期货交易 B.接受委托为投资者进行证券买卖 C.为投资者下单交易提供便利 D.协助期
