选择题:consent, destructive, self-evident, alter, abolish

consent, destructive, self-evident, alter, abolish, pursuit, endowed, institute, among, secure

We hold these truths to be ____1____, that all men are created equal, that they are ______2__ by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that __3___ these are life, liberty, and the __4__ of happiness. That to ___5__ these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the __6__ of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes __7__ of these ends, it is the right of the people to __8__ or to ___9__ it ,and to __10__ a new government.

下列商品中可以采用无品牌策略的是( )

下列商品中可以采用无品牌策略的是( )A.电力B.蔬菜C.水泥D.服装E.服装


The output of produce was ______ by the cold weath

The output of produce was ______ by the cold weather. A. enhanced B. delayed


共同富裕并不等于( )

共同富裕并不等于( )A同步富裕B同等富裕C差别过大D先富带后富


2.0分品牌中可以用语言称呼、表达的部分是( )。

2.0分品牌中可以用语言称呼、表达的部分是( )。A.品牌  B.商标 C.品牌标志  D.品牌名称


It is a wise choice to ___ the possibility of a ra

It is a wise choice to ___ the possibility of a rain before you plan for a garde
