Where does Kirsty live?

Where does Kirsty live? A.In the countryside. B.In a house with her roommate. C.


How many letters left does the woman have to type?

How many letters left does the woman have to type? A.About 5. B.About 8. C.About


听第8段材料,回答题。 What was the woman planning to do today?

听第8段材料,回答题。 What was the woman planning to do today?A.Type the letters. B.Take


听音频,回答下列问题.What is the price of a pound of oranges that the

听音频,回答下列问题.What is the price of a pound of oranges that the woman would like? A


请选出最合适的选项( )。

请选出最合适的选项( )。A.similar B.personal C.natural D.friendly
