选择题:Passage 2


Passage 2

Every year, when the Nobel Prizes are announced there is a great deal of publicity about the winners. They are interviewed and articles are written about them. This is because winning the Nobel Prize is considered by most people the highest honor that can be achieved in certain particular fields of work such as chemistry, physics, medicine, and literature. There is also a Nobel Peace Prize, awarded for efforts on behalf of peace.
The curious thing about these prizes is that they were started by a man who did a great deal to help the science of destruction! Alfred Nobel was born in Stockholm and lived from 1833 to 1896. Among the things which he invented and patented were dynamite, blasting gelatin (more powerful than dynamite), and a new kind of detonator for explosives.
It may be that having created such deadly explosives, Nobel felt a need to do something "noble" for the world. He was interested in establishing peace, and had a plan he thought would prevent war. By the way, besides being a brilliant scientist, Nobel was also a poet. He thought that literature and science were the most important factors in human progress.
When he died, Nobel left a fund of $9 000 000. The money was to be used in giving prizes to those who made outstanding contributions in physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, and the advancement of world peace. The prizes averaged about $

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