单选题:请根据下面短文回答题: Scott was hoping to see many interestingthings w

Scott was hoping to see many interestingthings when he visited Hong Kong with his friendAli.After they checked in thehotel, they began to discuss what they wanted to do first.Scott had alot ofinformation booklets(小册子) with himto help them decide.
"What I'd like to do is to go toKowloon and visit the shops, "said Ali."I've been lookingforward to buying a watch whilewe are here."
"Yes, "agreed Scott."I'dlike to do some shopping as well.Things are very cheap here.Butmaybe weshould leave that until later.There are so many other things to do.To beginwith, I'd liketo take a boat trip round the harbor(港口) and look at all the ships."
"That's a good idea, "said Ali. "Or we could take the railway to the top of the hill.I've always wanted to do that."
"Me, too, "agreed Scott. "But maybe it would be better to leave that until the evening so thatwe can see,the sunset over theharbor."
Suddenly(突然)Ali looked at his watch."My goodness!" he cried out. "It's 12 o'clockalready and we haven't doneanything at all."
Scott and All were talking about__________ A.where they may get moreinformation
B.which hotel they will stayat
C.what they should do first


投资者在银行购买纸黄金,依据的价格是(  )。

投资者在银行购买纸黄金,依据的价格是(  )。 A.国际黄金现货价格 B.中国黄金期货交易所公布价格 C.银行公布的价格 D.银行和客户的协议价格


银行从业人员提供理财顾问服务时,应掌握个人财务报表的分析,下列对个人财务报表的理解错误的一项是(  )。

银行从业人员提供理财顾问服务时,应掌握个人财务报表的分析,下列对个人财务报表的理解错误的一项是(  )。 A.需要掌握的个人财务报表包括个人资产负债表和现金流量



同样是10万元来进行投资理财,有人选择购买长期国债,有人选择外汇保证金交易,两种截然不同的选择,是因为各自有不同的(  )。 A.风险预期 B.风险偏好 C.风


Mark Twain's friend likedto stay under the seat while travel

Mark Twain's friend likedto stay under the seat while traveling.A.Right B.Wrong


对于一个城市的写字楼市场的把握主要可从(  )等方面来分析。

对于一个城市的写字楼市场的把握主要可从(  )等方面来分析。A.市场需求程度 B.产品 C.客户 D.市场定位 E.价格与租甜走势
