选择题:Complete the Promotion Project with the given Chin

Complete the Promotion Project with the given Chinese.

Promotion mix Email Direct Mail Workshop Sales force
Goals To __________________(六个月增加10%的销售)
Target market Businesses that __________________(需求人力资源管理软件处理人力管理职能)
Lunch date __________________(2015年1月)
Key messages to get leads to respond to your offer/call to action Present software.s unique features that address users. needs. __________________(邀请销售领军人物参加免费的研讨会)
Activities/Timing Jan 15, send 500 emails to a list of company.s target market Feb 15, send direct mail to 50 qualifying sales leads, and register 20 to attend free workshop Mar 15 3 hours of workshop for 20 prospects __________________(三月到五月,向有意向的客户直接销售)
Lunch date
Email Response Rate: 10% of 500 emails (50 sales leads)

Direct Mail Response Rate: 20 prospects out of 50 sales leads

Number of new clients:10 out of 20 prospects

Sales: Increase sales by 10%

13. 在SQL语句中,与表达式“供应商名 LIKE” %北京%“”功能相同的表达式是( )。(本题

13. 在SQL语句中,与表达式“供应商名 LIKE” %北京%“”功能相同的表达式是( )。(本题2.0分) A、 LEFT(供应商名,4)=“北京” B、


质量和成本是一个事物的两个侧面,是使用价值和价值的辩证统一。( )

质量和成本是一个事物的两个侧面,是使用价值和价值的辩证统一。( )选择一项:对 错
