2005年对《公司法》进行了修订,有限责任公司的最低注册资本额降低至人民币( )万元。 A.15 B.3 C.5 D.10
市场变动时恒定混合策略的行动方向是不行动。( )
市场变动时恒定混合策略的行动方向是不行动。( )
.第五段“这就是用出末一手来了”一句中的“末一手”,在舞台表演中指的是 ( )
.第五段“这就是用出末一手来了”一句中的“末一手”,在舞台表演中指的是 ( ) A.遮掩他并不是帮闲。 B.他将来还要到别家帮闲。 C.一面又回过脸来,向台下
下列关于证券投资宏观经济分析方法中总量分析法和结构分析法的说法,正确的是( )。
下列关于证券投资宏观经济分析方法中总量分析法和结构分析法的说法,正确的是( )。
国债买断式回购交易按照“一次成交、一次清算”原则进行。( )
国债买断式回购交易按照“一次成交、一次清算”原则进行。( )
按投资目的进行划分,则证券组合通常包括( )类型。
按投资目的进行划分,则证券组合通常包括( )类型。
Among the four maxims introduced by Grice, which one means t
Among the four maxims introduced by Grice, which one means that in conversation
It's tough looking for a job these days.
It's tough looking for a job these days.A.A different B.B digital C.C difficult
阅读以上文章,回答题The death of President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 19
阅读以上文章,回答题The death of President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1945 was a great blow
在Excel中,以下四种选定单元格区域的方法中,错误的是( )。
在Excel中,以下四种选定单元格区域的方法中,错误的是( )。A.单击选定区域的左上角单元格,再单击该区域的右下角单元格 B.单击选定区域的左上角单元格,按
幼儿的游戏主要在教师的直接指导下进行的。 ( )
幼儿的游戏主要在教师的直接指导下进行的。 ( )
One of the disadvantages in borrowing from parents or relati
One of the disadvantages in borrowing from parents or relatives is that_________
Accompanied by cheerful music,we began to dance.
Accompanied by cheerful music,we began to dance.A.pleasant B.colorful C.fashiona
Bees are more sensitive to colours than human beings.
Bees are more sensitive to colours than human beings.A.A Right B.B Wrong C.C Not
In the book Autobiography of Values, the aviation hero Charl
In the book Autobiography of Values, the aviation hero Charles Lindbergh reveals
The Texas Opera Theater was established as a subsidiary of t
The Texas Opera Theater was established as a subsidiary of the Houston Grand Ope
The word "detected" in paragraph 3 could be best replaced by
The word "detected" in paragraph 3 could be best replaced by__________.A.cure B.
从2009年6月到2010年5月,该省鲜菜价格水平的月均涨幅是鲜蛋价格水平月均涨幅的多少倍?( )
从2009年6月到2010年5月,该省鲜菜价格水平的月均涨幅是鲜蛋价格水平月均涨幅的多少倍?( ) A.28 B.32 C.39 D.42