单选题:回答题:Text 2Evolutionary theories.The Belgian George Lemaitre

回答题: Text 2
Evolutionary theories.The Belgian George Lemaitre proposed the idea that about 20.000 million years ago all the matter in the universe--enough,he estimated,to make up a hundred thousand million galaxies--was all conccntrated in one small mass,which he called the“primeval atom”.This primeval atom exploded for some reasons, sending its matter out in all directions,and as the expansion slowed down,a steady state resulted,at which time the galaxies formed.Something then upset the balance and the universe started expanding again,and this is the state in which the universe is now.There are variations on this theory:it may be that there was no steady state.However, Basically,evolutionary theories take it that the universe was formed in one place at one point in time and has been expanding ever since.
Will the universe continue to expand?It may be that the universe will continue to expand for ever,But some astronomers believe that the expansion will slow down and finally stop. Thereafter the universe will start to contract until all the matter in it is once again concentrated at one point. Possibly the universe may oscillate forever in this fashion, expanding to its maximum and then contracting over again.
The steady-state theory. Developed at Cambridge by Hoyle, Gold and Bodi, the steady-state theory maintains that the universe as a whole has always looked the same and always will. As the galaxies expand away from each other, new material is formed in some ways between the galaxies and makes up new galaxies to take place of those which have receded. Thus the general distribution of galaxies remains the same. How matter could be formed in this way is hard to see, But no harder than seeing why it should all form in one place at one time.
How can we decide which of these theories is closer to the truth? The method is in principle quite simple. Since the very distant galaxies are thousands of millions of light years away, then we are seeing them as they were thou- sands of millions of years ago. If the evolutionary theory is correct, the galaxies were closer together in the past than they are now, and so distant galaxies ought to appear to be closer together than nearer ones. According to the steady- state theory there should be no difference.
The evidence seems to suggest that there is a difference, that the galaxies were closer together than they are now, and so the evolutionary theory is partially confirmed and the steady-state theory-in its original form at least-must be rejected.
What do both theories assume to be true? A.That new material is continually being formed.
B.That, in time, the universe will contract.
C.That the universe is expanding at present.
D.That "a big bang" started the expansion.


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根据规定,抵押权人享有的权利有(  )。A.抵押物占有权 B.优先受偿权 C.变价处分权 D.保全抵押物价值的权利


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根据民法理论,下列导致所有权消灭的法律事实中,属于民事法律行为的是(  )。A.抛弃 B.标的物灭失 C.罚款 D.纳税


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