单选题:患者男,46岁,阿米巴痢疾,护士遵医嘱为其进行保留灌肠治疗,下列步骤中正确的是 题目分类:专业实务 题目类型:单选题 查看权限:VIP 题目内容: 患者男,46岁,阿米巴痢疾,护士遵医嘱为其进行保留灌肠治疗,下列步骤中正确的是 A.患者取左侧卧位 B.臀部抬高约lo cm C.肛管轻轻插入肛门7—10 cm D.保留药液在20分钟以上 E.药液注入完毕,再注入温开水50ml 参考答案: 答案解析:
The worst eye damage induced by diabetes is_____. The worst eye damage induced by diabetes is_____.A.blurred vision B.black spots 分类:专业实务 题型:单选题 查看答案
With diabetic retinopathy,the damaged blood vessels in the r With diabetic retinopathy,the damaged blood vessels in the retina_____.A.are str 分类:专业实务 题型:单选题 查看答案
Paragraph 3_____ Paragraph 3_____A.Where you stand while waiting to cross B.Where you walk C.Wher 分类:专业实务 题型:单选题 查看答案
The normal price of a ticket for an adult is$230. The normal price of a ticket for an adult is$230.A.ordinary B.proper C.fair D.me 分类:专业实务 题型:单选题 查看答案