题目:What has happened to Odysseus? 2.内容:
When the Trojan war ended, the other Greek leaders returned in triumph to their families and kingdoms, but the people of Ithaca waited in vain for their king, Odysseus! His son, Telemachus, arranged for men to watch the seas every day for a sign of his returning father’s ship, but there was none. What was he to do? Odysseus’ long absence had led to grow unrest in the country and there was always the possibility that it could split into smaller kingdoms. Telemachus was confused and needed to know what was really happening. Luckily the Goddess Athene, who was the friend and protector of Odysseus, appeared to Telemachus with some welcome news. She suggested that Telemachus should go and search for news of his father. She said:
“King Odysseus is not dead. His return has merely been postponed. On his way home he violated the rules of hospitality and attacked his host. The Gods have not forgiven him and he will be forced to wander for ten years before he can come home.”
Hearing this news Telemachus felt less anxious for his country but more anxious for his father. He would have to tell his mother and the people this news immediately. He knew his mother could remain as the temporary leader if the people really were sure Odysseus would return. So Telemachus went first to see his mother, Penelope. She was sitting with her advisers and being as charming and statesmanlike as always. She gladly gave Telemachus her permission to go and said:
“As Queen, I have unconditional faith that Odysseus will return home safely. We will not have funeral games or build a memorial statue yet in his memory until we are sure that Odysseus is dead. I will continue as Queen but I am happy to see you go in search of him so we shall all feel secure.”
How to design the pre-reading session?