选择题:By mentioning Muhammad Ali’s words, the author int

By mentioning Muhammad Ali’s words, the author intends to tell us that .( )(本题2.0分)
A. players should be highly inspired by coaches
B. great athletes need to concentrate on patience
C. hard work is necessary in one’s achievements
D. motivation allows great athletes to be on the top

在正确的安装VB后,可以通过多种方式启动VB,在以下方式中能启动VB的是( )。

在正确的安装VB后,可以通过多种方式启动VB,在以下方式中能启动VB的是( )。 A.通过“开始”菜单中的“程序”命令B.通过“我的电脑”找到VB6.exe,双
