


How to Make Use of the Power of Work Stress

What should you say when you are under work pressure, “stressed out and frantic” or “challenged and energized”? There’s very little physiological difference between the two, says a growing number of experts who think that work stress is positive. These experts believe that stress can strengthen you or tear you down. In most situations, you can choose. Here are some ways to do better under pressure.

Give stress a good name

Why resent work stress----it shows that your work is improving. Think of a heavy work as chance to push yourself and learn new skills. Tell yourself, “This is a challenge I am able to deal with.”

Alternate your work

Working a whole day or week for the most important project increases your anxiety without improving your productivity---in fact, you may lose focus. Every 60to 90 minutes, take a break from your work and do something different for 15 minutes. If you have been reading at your desk, walk into someone’s office to talk over on another project. Do not worry about breaking your concentration. You will return to your work energized and determined.

Shake a leg

Regular exercise is very important to stress control and mini exercise during the day can release pent-up energy. Most people pay little attention to some exercise which you can actually do every day, such as walk t





