After driving for five hours, they arrived at_________ they After driving for five hours, they arrived at_________ they thought was the plac 分类:专业综合Ⅰ刑法学 题型:单选题 查看答案
Upon his arrival in Changsha, he found waiting at the airpor Upon his arrival in Changsha, he found waiting at the airport__________ his wife 分类:专业综合Ⅰ刑法学 题型:单选题 查看答案
甲于夜晚在一条封闭的高速公路上驾车正常行驶时,乙突然翻越护栏横穿公路,甲刹车不及将乙撞死。交警认定甲的行为不构成交通肇事 甲于夜晚在一条封闭的高速公路上驾车正常行驶时,乙突然翻越护栏横穿公路,甲刹车不及将乙撞死。交警认定甲的行为不构成交通肇事罪。下列说法中,不应当作为交警认定据的是 分类:专业综合Ⅰ刑法学 题型:单选题 查看答案