跑步是一项有氧运动, 通过跑步, 我们能提高肌力, 同时提高体内的基础代谢水平, 加速脂肪的燃烧, 养成易瘦体质. 小林最近给自己制定了一个 200 千米的跑步

跑步是一项有氧运动, 通过跑步, 我们能提高肌力, 同时提高体内的基础代谢水平, 加速脂肪的燃烧, 养成易瘦体质. 小林最近给自己制定了一个 200 千米的跑步健身计划, 他第一天跑了 8 千米, 以


—Can I keep the book alittle ___________? I havent finished reading it yet. —Sor

—Can I keep the book alittle ___________? I havent finished reading it yet. —Sorry. You have to retu


My grandparents live inan old apartment with ________ floors and they are on the

My grandparents live inan old apartment with ________ floors and they are on the ________ floor.


已知 f (x) =ax+a+cosx(a∈R), 则在曲线 y=f (x) 上一点(0, 2) 处的切线方程为()

已知 f (x) =ax+a+cosx(a∈R), 则在曲线 y=f (x) 上一点(0, 2) 处的切线方程为()


—Whats the key to success, Dad?—More time and hard work, ________ youll make it

—Whats the key to success, Dad?—More time and hard work, ________ youll make it one day.
