单选题:回答题: We experience different forms of the sun’s energy every

We experience different forms of the sun’s energy every day.Thesun is the major source ofenergy for our planet.Itcauses the evaporation(蒸发)of water fro n the oceans andlakes.Sun-light also provides the energy used by greenplants to make their ow l food.
Much of the energy that comes from the sun never reaches the arth’s surface.It is either refleeted or absorbed by the gases in the upper atmosphere.Of the energy that reaches the lower atmosphere,30% is reflected by clouds or the earth’ssurface.The remining 70% warmsthe surface of the planet,causes water to evaporate,and provides energy for the water cycle and weather.Only a tiny part,approximately 0.023%,is actually used by green plants produce food.
Many gases foundin the atmosphere actually reflect heat energy escaping from the earth's sur-face back to the earth.These gases act like theglass of a gree lhouse in that they allow energy fromthe sun to enter butprevent energy form leaving.They are therefore calledgreenhouse gases.
When sunlight strikes an object,someof the energy is tbsorbed and some is reflected.Theamountreflected depends on the surface.Dark—colored surfact s,such as dark soil or forest,absorbmore energy.
According to the passage,the root cause for weather changes on the earth is_________. A.the atmosphere surrounding theearth
B.water from oceans and lakes
C.energy from the sun
D.greenhouse gases i。n the sky


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