选择题:4.It is generally agreed that Sheik Ahmed Zaki Yam

4.It is generally agreed that Sheik Ahmed Zaki Yamani was ______. (Sheik Yamani, Former Oil Minister of Saudi Arabia)
A)a knowledgeable linguist in the 1970s
B)a clever designer for the oil policy of the Arab world
C)an unproclaimed master of the Arab world
D)a natural diplomat who helped to strengthen the power of the Arab countries in the world

17.The 1983 law required some girls to ____. (Abor

17.The 1983 law required some girls to ____. (Abortion Case in the Supreme Court


This story is a science fiction. (本题2.0分) A、 T B、

This story is a science fiction. (本题2.0分) A、 T B、 F


颅脑手术后患者,头部翻转过剧,可引起( )

颅脑手术后患者,头部翻转过剧,可引起( ) A. 蛛网膜下腔出血 B. 血栓形成 C. 栓塞 D. 脑溢血 E. 脑疝


按照罗伊适应模式,一级评估是指( )

按照罗伊适应模式,一级评估是指( ) A. 行为评估 B. 刺激评估 C. 环境评估 D. 预期目标评估 E. 护理干预评估


程序运行后的输出结果是()(本题2.0分) A、 元素ch[3]的地址 B、 字符y的地址 C、

程序运行后的输出结果是()(本题2.0分) A、 元素ch[3]的地址 B、 字符y的地址 C、 x D、 z
