单选题:根据以下内容回答题: The growth of Liu Yongxing‘s animal-feed business

The growth of Liu Yongxing‘s animal-feed business has made him China’s richest man, according to rankings published recently by Forbes magazine. With an estimated net worth of US$1 billion,the 53-year-old entrepreneur and his Shanghai-based Hope Group are symbols of the new ChinA.
But Forbes’ list of the 100 richest individuals in China also illustrates the growing income inequality here that alarms some officials. The Forbes survey found that the 100 richest people in China had a combined net worth of US$18 billion in the year ended September 30. That’s small change by US standards:The most recent Forbes ranking of global billionaires put the net worth of Bill Gates alone at more than US$58 billion. But what‘s remarkable about China’s wealth numbers is how fast they‘re rising. The wealth of the top 50 on this year’s China list jumped 40 per cent,to US$14 billion,from US$10 billion last year despite a global economic slump.
The richest man in China acquired his wealth _____. A.in the animal feed business
B.in America
C.from Forbes magazine
D.from his ancestors


财政部、国家税务总局对扣除项目金额中利息支出的计算问题作了两点专门规定,是指(  ):

财政部、国家税务总局对扣除项目金额中利息支出的计算问题作了两点专门规定,是指(  ): A.超过利息的上浮幅度的部分不允许扣除 B.超过利息的上浮幅度的部分允许


以下属于国际运输业务的方式的是(  )。

以下属于国际运输业务的方式的是(  )。A.程租 B.期租 C.湿租 D.光租


按规定视同独立纳税人的分支机构, 其独立纳税人身份(  )不得变更。

按规定视同独立纳税人的分支机构, 其独立纳税人身份(  )不得变更。A.半年度内 B.一个年度内 C.两年度内 D.3个月内



可抵免境外所得税税额,是指企业来源于中国境外的所得依照中国境外税收法律以及相关规定应当缴纳并已实际缴纳的企业所得税性质的税款。但不包括(  ):A.按照所得税法


以开发过程中该资产符合资本化条件后至达到预定用途前发生的支出为计税基础的无形资产是(  )。

以开发过程中该资产符合资本化条件后至达到预定用途前发生的支出为计税基础的无形资产是(  )。A.外购的 B.通过捐赠取得的 C.自行开发的 D.债务重组取得的
