根据以下内容,回答题。313 Northen Boulevard
Springfield, Massachusetts 01103
August 2nd,2006
Ms. Sara Valenti
Financial Officer
DZK Investments Unlimited
23436th Avenue
New York, New York 10023
Dear Ms.Valenti,
I want to start by saying that the loans your firm has made over the past two years have been very helpful to my business. Recently, however, I was looking over some earlier correspondence regarding the modification of our contract. I noticed that quarterly payments on the latest loan are due to begin this October. I understand that we agreed upon this date. However, in order to fully finance the expansion of my business, I have also taken out loans with several banks. Paying back those loans has left me temporarily short of cash. I am requesting that you delay the start of my payments until January 1st.
I understand that this may be against your company's protocol, but please take into consider-ation my punctuality on all past payments. I would appreciate your input on this matter as soon as possible.
Ryan Black
Springfield Hardware
Who probably wrote this letter? A.A landlord
B.A business owner
C.A bank officer
D.An accountant