回答题:Debate over the use of Renewable energy Ausubel of Rockefeller University in New York.US.says the key renewable energy,sources,including sun,wind and biofuels,would all require vast________(1)of land if developed up to large scale production一unlike nuclear power.That land would be far better left alone,he says.Renewables look attractive when they are quite________(2).But if we start producing renewable energy on a large scale.the fallout is going to be horrible.Instead,Ausubel argues________(3)renewed development of nuclear.
Ausubel draws his conclusions by analysing the amount of energy renewables,natural gas and nuclear can produce in terms of power per square metre of land used. Moreover.he claims that as renewable energy ues increases,this measure of efficency will________(4)as the best land for wind,hiorIlels,and solar power gets used up.
Using biofuels to obtain the________(5) amount of energy as a 1000 megawatt nuclear power land would require 2500 square kilometers of farm________(6),Ausubel says.“We shnIJld be sparing Iand for nature.not using it as pasture for ears and trueks,”he adds.
Solar power is much more emcient than hiofuel in terms of the area of land________(7),but it would still require 150 square kilometres of photovoltal cell to________(8)the energy production of the l 000 MW Huelear plant.In another example,he says meeting the 2005 US eleetrieity demand via wind power alone would need 780.000 square kilometres,an area the size of Texas.
However,several erts are highly critieal________(9)Ausubel’s conelusions. John Tumer of the US government’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory says that________(10)the US got all of its power from solar energy,it would still need less than half the amount of land that has been paved over for highways.Further,it need not________(11)additional land.The US eould get a quarter of its energy just from covering rooflops of________(12)buildings,he says.
Aeeording to Turner,the same“dual use” applies to wind powe.The footprint for wind is onlv 5% of the land that it________(13). Farmers can still flarm the land that the turhines are on. TuiTler says looking solely at land use is an oversimplication of the________(14). “I’m not sure I’d want to huild one of these muclear plants in Afghanistan,but we could________(15)put in wind and solar power.”he adds.