--Where shall we put the fridge ?  --I think theres enough____in the corner for

--Where shall we put the fridge ?  --I think theres enough____in the corner for it.


Its so cold here. I don;t know to go or to stay.

Its so cold here. I don;t know to go or to stay.


(1)下列说法正确的是 _________。(填正确答案标号, 选对 1个给 2 分, 选对 2 个得 4 分, 选对 3 个得 5 分, 每选错 1 个扣 3

(1)下列说法正确的是 _________。(填正确答案标号, 选对 1个给 2 分, 选对 2 个得 4 分, 选对 3 个得 5 分, 每选错 1 个扣 3 分, 最低得分 0 分)A. 为了估测


-Whats this in English?

-Whats this in English?


The red rose is the only one _____I real like.

The red rose is the only one _____I real like.
