单选题:What you have done is________the doctor’s orders. 题目分类:成人英语三级 题目类型:单选题 查看权限:VIP 题目内容: What you have done is________the doctor’s orders. A.attached to B.resistant to C.responsible to D.contrary to 参考答案: 答案解析:
It was __________ that he couldn’t finish it alone. It was __________ that he couldn’t finish it alone. A.a so difficult job B.such 分类:成人英语三级 题型:单选题 查看答案
The committee is totally opposed__________any changes being The committee is totally opposed__________any changes being made in the plans. 分类:成人英语三级 题型:单选题 查看答案
Children and old people do not like having their daily_____ Children and old people do not like having their daily__________upset. A.habit 分类:成人英语三级 题型:单选题 查看答案
吴某为期货公司的客户,由于经常出差无法参与交易,在该期货公司营业部经理的推荐下,将交易全权委托给营业部员工丁某。不久,吴 吴某为期货公司的客户,由于经常出差无法参与交易,在该期货公司营业部经理的推荐下,将交易全权委托给营业部员工丁某。不久,吴某发现其账户亏发生巨额亏损,遂向法院提起 分类:成人英语三级 题型:单选题 查看答案
下列期货公司股权变更的情形,应当经中国证监会批准的有( )。 下列期货公司股权变更的情形,应当经中国证监会批准的有( )。A.单个股东的持股比例增加到3% B.单个股东的持股比例增加到5%以上,且涉及境外股东的 C.有关 分类:成人英语三级 题型:单选题 查看答案