选择题:Why are example sentences more important than defi


Why are example sentences more important than definitions?

A) It is not definition but example sentences that can provide some grammatical information.

B) Example sentences can help you check whether the definition of a word is correct or not.

C) Example sentences can help you learn the usage of a word.

D) Example sentences can program your brain to pronounce English sentences correctly.


A. 白芍B. 当归C.续断D. 香附E. 射干产地加工时,采用微火烘至半干,“发汗”至内部变绿色时

A. 白芍B. 当归C.续断D. 香附E. 射干产地加工时,采用微火烘至半干,“发汗”至内部变绿色时,再烘干的药材是


A. 白芍B. 当归C.续断D. 香附E. 射干.产地加工时,待水分稍蒸发变软时,捆成小把,上棚,以

A. 白芍B. 当归C.续断D. 香附E. 射干.产地加工时,待水分稍蒸发变软时,捆成小把,上棚,以烟火慢慢熏干的药材是
