选择题:(阅读理解题)Anny sat in their backyard(后院), thinking. S

Anny sat in their backyard(后院), thinking. She was trying to think of a way to earn money during the summer vacation. Suddenly, she had an idea! Her parents paid her to walk their dog every day. Maybe other people would pay her to walk their dogs.

Anny went to many houses and asked the people if she could exercise their pets. Some of the people didn.t have a dog. Ohters wanted to walk their own pets themselves, but five people did hire Anny. She was delighted.

Every morning that summer she walked the dogs. By the end of the vacation, Anny had saved eighty dollars.

(1). (单选题)
What is the best title? ( )

A、 Traveling During the Summer
B、 Traveling During the Summer
C、 A Girl Finds a Pet
D、 Getting Paid to Walk Dogs

下面的哪一个图形适合比较研究两个或多个总体的结构性问题( )。(本题1.0分)A、 环形图B、

下面的哪一个图形适合比较研究两个或多个总体的结构性问题( )。(本题1.0分)A、 环形图B、 饼图C、 茎叶图D、 直方图



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汇总记账凭证账务处理程序 ( )(本题1.5分)A、 能够清楚地反映各个科目之间的对应关系B、 不能够清楚地反映各个科目之间的对应关系C、 能够综合反映企业所有


( )不能用“不”修饰。(本题1.0分) A、 动词 B、 形容词 C、 名词 D、 副词

( )不能用“不”修饰。(本题1.0分) A、 动词 B、 形容词 C、 名词 D、 副词


(判断题) (单项选择)在单位成本指数表示单位成本增减的绝对额( ) 。(本题1.0分) A、 正确

(判断题) (单项选择)在单位成本指数表示单位成本增减的绝对额( ) 。(本题1.0分) A、 正确 B、 错误
