某研究团队采用观察法研究幼儿游戏中的冲突事件。事先制定了观察记录表,记录幼儿冲突行为主体、起因、过程和结果。为了不干扰幼儿园正常活动,经与幼儿园沟通,研究者每周 某研究团队采用观察法研究幼儿游戏中的冲突事件。事先制定了观察记录表,记录幼儿冲突行为主体、起因、过程和结果。为了不干扰幼儿园正常活动,经与幼儿园沟通,研究者每周二上午入园观察。这种记录方法是 分类:研究生入学 题型:选择题 查看答案
As children move towards adulthood (成年), they become taller, stronger, and more As children move towards adulthood (成年), they become taller, stronger, and more independent.At some 分类:研究生入学 题型:选择题 查看答案
Susie' s experience is unusual______she travelled 20 countries in only one month Susie' s experience is unusual______she travelled 20 countries in only one month. 分类:研究生入学 题型:选择题 查看答案
The pipe in the kitchen is broken. We should have it______as soon as possible. The pipe in the kitchen is broken. We should have it______as soon as possible. 分类:研究生入学 题型:选择题 查看答案