单选题:根据以下资料,回答题。  People need to be active to be healthy.Our mode

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  • 题目类型:单选题
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根据以下资料,回答题。   People need to be active to be healthy.Our modem lifestyle and all the conveniences we've become used to have made us sitting much of the time - and that's dangerous for our health.Sitting around in front of the TV or the computer, riding in the car for even a short trip to the store and using elevators instead of stairs, all contribute to our inactivity.Physical inactivity is as dangerous to our health as smoking!
  Add up your activities during the day in periods of at least 10 minutes each.Start slowly ...and build up.If you're already doing some light activities move up to more moderate ones.A little is good, but more is better if you want to achieve health benefits.
  Scientists say add up 60 minutes of physical activity every day to stay healthy or improve your health.Time needed depends on effort - as you progress to moderate activities, you can cut down to thirty minutes, four days a week.
  Physical activity doesn't have to be very hard to improve your health.This goal can be reached by building physical activities into your daily routine.Just add up in periods of at least ten minutes each throughout the day.After three months of regular physical activity, you will notice a difference - people often say getting started is the hardest part.
  (From Handbook for Canada's Physical Activity Guide to Healthy Active Living p.4.Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology, Ottawa, Ontario, 1998) Nowadays people __. A. are less active than in the past
B. are more active than in the past
C. are sitting as much as they used to be
D. are sitting as less as they used to be

监理单位在性质上是(  )作为公正方进行的一种监督。

监理单位在性质上是(  )作为公正方进行的一种监督。A.项目法人的授权人 B.行政主管部门的委托人 C.社会中介组织 D.质量监督机构


下列各项指标中,反映企业短期偿债能力的指标有(  )。

下列各项指标中,反映企业短期偿债能力的指标有(  )。A.资产负债率 B.利息保障倍数 C.流动比率 D.速动比率


以下关于全国银行间债券市场回购的说法正确的有(  )。

以下关于全国银行间债券市场回购的说法正确的有(  )。 A.回购交易单位为万元 B.债券结算单位为万元 C.资金清算单位为元 D.计算利息的基础天数为3


商业银行应通过(  )进行债券交易的资金结算,商业银行与其他参与者之间、其他参与者相互之间债券交易的资金结算途径由双方自

商业银行应通过(  )进行债券交易的资金结算,商业银行与其他参与者之间、其他参与者相互之间债券交易的资金结算途径由双方自行商定。 A.结算备付金账户 B.准



按照我国《担保法》所规定的抵押方式,可转移借款人或第三人对抵押物的占有,而作为债务担保由贷款人对借款人提供的贷款为(  )A.抵押贷款 B.保障贷款 C.
