选择题:Learning a foreign language would __ 回答

Learning a foreign language would __ 回答

__. If you work in a foreign country, it will benefit you immensely if you can speak its language because then you would be able to work with all different types of employees, and this will give long-term career success.

党的十九大报告指出,当前,反腐败斗争形势依然严峻复杂,巩固压倒性态势、夺取( )胜利的决心必须坚如磐

党的十九大报告指出,当前,反腐败斗争形势依然严峻复杂,巩固压倒性态势、夺取( )胜利的决心必须坚如磐石。选择一项:A. 最终B. 压倒性C. 全面性 D. 绝对
