单选题:Which of the following statements is NOT correct?

  • 题目分类:理工类
  • 题目类型:单选题
  • 查看权限:VIP
Which of the following statements is NOT correct? A.A There were 10 million cancer patients worldwide in 2000.
B.B Cancer accounted for 12% of all deaths in 2000.
C.C cancer is the cause of over 25% of all deaths in many countrie
D.D Global cancer rates are expected to rise 50% by 2020;

根据下列短文,回答题。Ebbysemeyer—King of CurrentsOn December 9, 1994,

根据下列短文,回答题。Ebbysemeyer—King of CurrentsOn December 9, 1994, the Huundai Seattle,


When the mother saw her son fall out the apple tree, she lau

When the mother saw her son fall out the apple tree, she laughed at him.A.A Righ


It is seldom acceptable to abbreviate words in formal writin

It is seldom acceptable to abbreviate words in formal writing.A.A omit B.B expla


The mail was delayed for two days because of the snow-storm.

The mail was delayed for two days because of the snow-storm.A.A held in B.B held


罗夏克墨渍测验属于投射测验。(  )

罗夏克墨渍测验属于投射测验。(  )
