单选题:根据下面资料,回答题 The core of Greece' s troubles is too much spendi

The core of Greece' s troubles is too much spending, too little tax-collecting and book-cooking.Spain and Ireland are in trouble even if the percentage of their public debt in gross domesticproduct is much smaller than that of Germany.Italy, also in the financialmarkets' cross hairs, hashigh public debt but a lower deficit than the eurozone' s average.
The root of these countries' problems is that their prices and wages have risen much fasterthan those of other euro zonemembers.
There are two ways to mitigate the pain.First, to adopt temporarily more expansionary fiscalpolicies for a while.Or, more powerfully, the wider euro area could adopt more expansionary monetary policies for several years.As to the second option, the "inflation fundamentalists" will havenone of it.This elite consisting of central bankers, top economic officials, politicians, academicsand journalists insists that it is unacceptable to allow inflation to climb above two percent.
Hyper-inflation in Germany in the 1930s and stagflation in industrial countries in the 1970s and1980s support their view.It' s true that moderate rotation ,,an creep up to become high inflation.
But inflation fundamentalism can also hurt.There is little if any empirical evidence that moderateinflation hurts growth.In most countries, cutting actual wages is politically difficult if not impossible.But, to regain competitiveness and balance the books, real wage adjustments are sometimesinevitable.A slightly higher level of inflation allows for this painful adjustment with a lower levelof political conflict.
On the other hand, ultra-low inflation, in a recession, can easily become deflation.Fallingprices encourage people to defer spending, which makes things worse and erodes tax payments,impairing a government' s ability to pay debt.That in turn increases the debt' s size and costs.
In addition, a single-minded focus on inflation makes it easy for policymakers to lose sight ofthe broader picture-asset prices, growth and employment.Policy can become too tight or tooloose--as in the run-up to the crisis in the U.S.when low inflation was seen as a comforting signthat things were in order.
In a recession, ultra-low inflation also reduces the effectiveness of monetary policy since interest rates cannot go below zero.The crisis in the euro area highlights the need for a more openminded discussion of the merits and costs of ultra-low inflation.
In the author' s opinion, the second way to mitigate the pain is_________ A.cutting the spending
B.controlling inflation within two percent
C.ultra-low inflation
D.moderate inflation



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