Some villagers were going to celebrate an important wine festival(酒宴) in a few days' time, sothey borrowed a huge barrel from the nearest town, put it in the village square, and decided that eachof them should empty a bottle of the best wine he had into it, so that there should be plenty at thefeast(宴会). One of the villagers thought he would be very clever. "If I pour a bottle of water in, instead ofwine, no one will notice it," he said to himself, "because there will be so much excellent wine in thebarrel that the water will be lost in it. "
The night of the feast arrived. Everybody gathered in the village square with their bowls andtheir glasses for the wine. The tap ( 塞子 ) on the barrel was opened, but what came out was purewater. Everyone in the village had had the same idea.
The villagers borrowed a huge barrel in order to__________. A.hold water
B.hold wine
C.take the place of wine bottle
D.empty bottles