选择题:(阅读理解题)Passage 2

Passage 2

The stars are usually actors and actresses. Most people do not even look at the name of the director or producer, except one ― Steven Spielberg. When he was a little boy, his father showed him how to use a camera. Later he got his own camera and started to film things like stories about monsters and horrible murders. His three younger sisters were always the victims. Later he made his first film at home at the age of twelve. It was a cowboy film three and a half minutes long, and it cost $10 to make. When he was sixteen, he made a science-fiction film more than two hours long. Making films was his great hobby ― much more fascinating for him than school. Of course, Steven wanted to go to film school. But his high school grades were not good enough! So he just went along to Universal Studios and asked for a job.

Spielberg sometimes uses a lot of complicated effects ― in the Indiana Jones films, for example. But, like in Duel, he can create a fantastic atmosphere even without special effects. E. T. is a success because of the feelings of the children. In 1994 he won the most important film prize, the Oscar, for Schindler.s List. The secret of Spielberg’s success is that the stories in many of his films somehow look as if they could happen to ordinary people like you and me.

(1). (单选题)
Steven Spielberg made his first film at the age of _______.( )

抽样误差是指( )。(本题1.5分)A、 调查中所产生的登记性误差B、 调查中所产生的系统性误差C、

抽样误差是指( )。(本题1.5分)A、 调查中所产生的登记性误差B、 调查中所产生的系统性误差C、 随机的代表性误差D、 计算过程中产生的误差


“从物到感觉和思想”与“从思想和感觉到物”,这是( )(本题2.0分)A、 辩证唯物论与旧唯物论两条

“从物到感觉和思想”与“从思想和感觉到物”,这是( )(本题2.0分)A、 辩证唯物论与旧唯物论两条认识路线的对立B、 辩证法和形而上学的对立C、 唯物论与唯心


企业销售产品一批,部分货款收存银行,部分货款对方暂欠,该企业应填制( )(本题1.5分)A、 收款凭

企业销售产品一批,部分货款收存银行,部分货款对方暂欠,该企业应填制( )(本题1.5分)A、 收款凭证和付款凭证B、 收款凭证和转账凭证C、 收款凭证和转账凭证


研究人员根据对研究对象的了解有目的的地选择一些单位作为样本,这种调查方式是( )(本题1.5分)A

研究人员根据对研究对象的了解有目的的地选择一些单位作为样本,这种调查方式是( )(本题1.5分)A、 判断抽样B、 分层抽样C、 方便抽样D、 自愿样本



(单项选择)既可以接收、处理和输出模拟量,也可以接收、处理和输出数字量的计算机是______。(本题1.5分)A、 电子数字计算机B、 电子模拟计算机C、 数模
