Studies show that social engagement is one of the best predictors of happiness.Yet we associate with each other less than ever.Robert Putnam of Harvard University called this phenomenon"bowling alone";he said that the decline ofprivate associations,particularly churches,had led to an isolation that was making people poorer emotionally.That pattern has accelerated as we swivel toward a more digital society.We live in the richest,most prosperous,freest time in human history.That's a wonderful gift we've all been given.But we've also shed gifts that are ancient and vital:the gift of solid family structure;the gift of common religious commitment;the gift of a culture and heritage of meritocracy(精英教育).No government program can fill those gaps-and every effort to do so ends with the exacerbation of precisely the failures govemment programs are designed to alleviate.
选择题:Studies show that social engagement is one of the best predictors of happiness.Y
- 题目分类:研究生入学
- 题目类型:选择题
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