单选题:请根据以下内容回答题:Think as a Hacker Does

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Think as a Hacker DoesAt the brand—new Hacker Academy in Chicago,US,students learn about phishing schemes,firewall breaches,and advanced tricks for breaking into confidential documents and revealing passwords.
But it’s not nearly as illegal as it sounds.The academy doesn’t teach people to be_____(1).but to“think like hackers"一and hopefully to stay one step ahead of_____(2).
The students are_____(3)computer security professionals.They attend a course that teaches them the tools and techniques that hackers could use to get______(4)systems they’re trying to protect.They______(5)a certificate in“ethical hacking3’if they graduate.
The academy is one of the growing number of organizations that teach IT security experts to think
like their enemies and to find holes ill their systems______(6)the hackers do.
“If you can think like a hacker,you’re able to_______(7)some of the attacks that are happening,”said Aaron Cohen,the academy’s founder.
Those attacks Call range from indiscriminate viruses to corporate spying and efforts to gain sensitive data________(8)banks,credit card companies,or individuals.
Computer Economics,a US IT research firm,estimates the_______(9)caused bv viruses and other attacks in 2006 to be somewhere around US$14 billion.
“While the massive viruses seem to be________(10)in number,there are more targeted attacks,”said Mark McManus of Computer Economics.
With ransom attacks,for instance,hackers will break into a company’s network.and threaten to destroy it or give information to a competitor______(11)they’re not paid.
Given all the threats,many companies are sending IT professionals to courses like those Cohen offers.So the“ethical hacker'’certification,Offered by the New York—based International Council of Electronic Commerce Consultants(the EC—Council),_______(12)about.
The EC—Council says it has trained about 20.000 people in 60 countries over the past three years,with 8,000 of them passing a________(13)and earning the“ethical hacker”certification.
Cohen’s list of interested people includes an FBl agent,NASA employees,independent consultants,and company IT security directors.Some want the five-day on-site certification course.Others want a quick.overview,like the US$695“midnight hacking”course,given online and late at______(14).
Cohen doesn’t______(15)much about students using their courses for evil purposes.“Hack-ers don’t need our help.”says Cohen.

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