单选题:With unfamiliar human beings, when we acknowledge their huma

With unfamiliar human beings, when we acknowledge their humanness, we must avoid staring at them, and yetwe must also avoid ignoring them. To make them into people rather than objects, we use a deliberate and polite inat-tention. We look at them long enough to, make it quite clear that we see them, and then we immediately look a-way.
The important thing in such an exchange is that we do not catch the eye of one whom we are recognizing as aperson. We look at him without locking glances, and then we immediately look away. Recognition is not permitted.
If you pass someone in the street, you may eye the oncoming person until you are about eight feet apart, thenyou must look away as you pass. Before the eight-foot distance is reached, each will signal in which direction hewill pass. This is done with a brief look in that direction. Each will veer slightly and the passing is done smoothly.
To strengthen this signal, you look directly at the other' s face before looking away.
It becomes impossible to discover just what they are doing. Are they looking at you too long, too intently? Arethey looking at you at all? The person wearing the glasses feels protected and assumes that he can stare without beingnoticed in his staring. However, this is a self-deception. To the other person, dark glasses seem to indicate that thewearer is always staring at him.
We often use this look-away technique when we meet famous people. We want to assure them we are respectingtheir privacy and that we would not dream of stating at them. The same is true of the crippled or physically handi-capped. We look brief and then look away before the stare can be said to be a stare.
Of course, the opposite is also true. If we wish to put a person down, we may do so by staring longer than isacceptably polite. Instead of dropping our gazes when we lock glances, we continue to stare. The person who disap-proves of interracial marriages or dating will stare rudely at the interracial couple. If he dislikes long hair, short dres-ses, or beards, he may show it with a longer-than-acceptable stare.
A. There are different formulas for the exchange of glances depending on where the meeting takes place.
B. In the subway or bus where long rides in very close circumstances are a necessity, we may be hard put to find some way of not staring. We sneak glances, but look away before our eyes can lock. If we look withan unfocused glance that misses the eyes and settles on the head, the mouth, the body for any place but theeyes is an acceptable looking spot for the unfocused glance.
C. Actually in this way we are saying, in body language, "I know you are there, " and a moment later weadd, "But I would not dream of intruding on your privacy. "
D. It is the technique we use for any unusual situation where too long a stare would be embarrassing. When wesee an interracial couple, we also use this technique. We might use it when we see a man with an unusualbeard, with extra longhair, with outlandish clothes, or a girl with a minimal miniskirt may attract this look-and-away.
E. For this passing encounter Dr. Erving Goffman in behavior in public places says that the quick look and thelowering of the eyes is body language for, "I trust you. I am not afraid of you. "
F. Sometimes the rules are hard to follow, particularly if one of the two people wears dark glasses.

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