Scientists are not sure how serious the effects of global wa

Scientists are not sure how serious the effects of global warming will be.A.Righ


Our statistics show that we consume all that we are capable

Our statistics show that we consume all that we are capable of producing.A.waste


It is no use debating the relative merits of this policy.

It is no use debating the relative merits of this policy.A.making B.taking C.dis


Up to now, the work has been easy.

Up to now, the work has been easy.A.So B.So long C.So that D.So far


消除咬颊粘膜方法可采用(  )。

消除咬颊粘膜方法可采用(  )。A.加大前牙覆颌 B.加大后牙覆盖 C.升高颌平面 D.调改上颌后牙颊尖 E.调改下颌后牙舌尖
