单选题:Questionare based on the following passage.  When the Earth

  • 题目分类:英语四级
  • 题目类型:单选题
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Questionare based on the following passage.  When the Earth shook here on March 26th, 2000, it helped geologists to figure out how the Earth around Seattle would shake during the real thing less than a year later.
  When Seattle's Kingdome was demolished with explosives, more than 200 seismic recorders caught every rattle and roll.
  Tom Brochcr of the U.S. Geological Survey says, "You can see the red waves traveling away from the Kingdome. "
  The areas that shook the worst then also shook the worst when the six point eight (on the Richter scale ) Nisqually earthquake hit.
  "'We shouldn't be surprised to see damage at Boeing field and at the port of Seattle where we did see damage, because in both of those areas the ground shook longer and harder than other parts of Seattle."
  It's what's known as a slab quake (located) 36 miles below the surface where the Juan de Fuca plate slab is diving underneath the North American plate. Geologists believe the plate bent, causing it to crack, and sending shock waves to the surface.
  Tom Brocher says, "As soon as we knew it was a deep earthquake--that it was this type of earthquake-we immediately put out the word that we should expect very few aftershocks. ”
  There were only 4. In San Francisco's Loma Prieta earthquake here in 1989 which was closer to the surface, there were 120 afiershocks. The fact that "deep-focus" earthquakes have fewer afrershocks still puzzles geologists.
  Brocher says, "What we can tell people is you're not going to have these ( aftershocks ). What we can't tell them why. And that's a research issue. ""
  Geologists say the Nisqually quake originated from almost the same spot as the 1949 quake there, and had the same damage patterns. There were fewer landslides this year because of the lack of rain.
  Over the next year and hal~ researchers want to set offexplosives at the surface near Seattle, aimed at the slab 37 miles below.
  The waves will then bounce offthe slab and reflect back to the surface giving information about where the plate is and how it's moving. So, before the Earth moves again, geologists will have an idea which places might be destined to shake the hardest.
注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。According to the passage, what caused the Earth around Seattle shake on March 26th, 2000? A. Nisqually earthquak
B. Explosive
C. Loma Prieta earthquak
D. Aftershock


涎石摘除术的适应证不包括A.涎石在腺体内,进食有明显肿胀者 B.涎石在腺体内,腺体未纤维化者 C.涎石在导管内,腺体有纤维化者 D.涎石在导管与腺体交界处 E.






根据材料回答题:患者,47岁。近二年月经周期紊乱,血量多,此次又阴道流血20余天,伴头晕,心悸,查体:轻度贫血貌,子宫、附件正常该患首先考虑的诊断是 A.子宫肌



30岁,月经4~5/24—25天,习惯性流产3次,基础体温呈双相,高温相持续8~10天,应诊断为 A.黄体功能不足 B.子宫内膜不规则脱落 C.无排卵型功血 D



对放射线中等敏感的肿瘤是A.恶性黑色素瘤 B.脂肪肉瘤 C.基底细胞癌 D.浆细胞肉瘤 E.恶性淋巴瘤
