选择题:Noisy neighbors are a common problem in a communit

Noisy neighbors are a common problem in a community everywhere. Obviously, a noisy neighbor can make life— 1—,particularly if the noise continues well into the midnight. This situation is hard to—2— , for it requires your ability to argue with the neighbors This conversation should be polite, even — 3— .It can begin with a statement like “I’m not sure if you’re — 4— of the noise from your house”. In this case, you attribute the noise merely to the person’s inability to — 5— the constant and disturbing noises. Then explain briefly the problem, and ask the neighbor to— 6— the music or TV. Hopefully, you can reach an oral — 7—.If noisy neighbors don’t change their behavior, don’t get — 8— .The next step should be to write a letter of — 9— to them. The letter should state the details, such as the — 10—dates when the noise was particularly and astonishingly annoying, such as loud gatherings every Friday night into the early morning, and then mention how many times of the occurrences.

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[判断题,2分] 因为单管动态随机存储器是破坏性读出,所以必须不断地刷新。()A.正确B.错误


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