单选题:DTo err is huaman. To blame the other guy is even more human

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To err is huaman. To blame the other guy is even more human.
Common sense is not all that common.
Why tell the truth when you can come up with a good excuse?
These three popular misquotes(戏谑的引语)are meant to be jokes, and yet they tell us a lot about human nature. To err, or to make mistakes, is indeed a part of being human, but it seems that most people don’t want to accept the responsibility for having made a mistake. They naturally look for someone else who could be responsible for the problem. Perhaps it is the natural thing to do. The original quote about human nature went like this:“To err is human, to forgive, divine(神圣的).” This saying mirrors an ideal: people should be forgiving of others’mistakes. Instead, we tend to do the opposite-find someone else to pass the blame on to. However, taking responsibility for something that went wrong is a mark of great maturity.
Common sense is what we call clear thought. Having common sense means having a good general plan that will make things work well, and it also means staying with the plan. Common sense tells you that you take an umbrella out into a rainstorm, but you leave the umbrella home
When you hear a weather forecast for sunshine.Common sense does not seem to be common for large organizations, because there are so many things going on that one person cannot be in charge of everything.People say that in a large company,“the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing.”
And what is wrong with a society that thinks that making up a good excuse is like creating a work of art?One of common problems with making excuses is that people,especially young people,get the idea that it’s okay not to be totally honest all the time.There is a corollary(直接推论)to that:if a good excuse is“good”even if it isn’t honest, then where is the place of the truth?According to the passage, which of the following seems the most human? A.To search for trut
B.To achieve one’s ideal
C.To make fun of others’mistake
D.To criticize others for one’s own erro




——volunteeringisbecoming__________popularinChina. ——yeah,peo

——volunteeringisbecoming__________popularinChina. ——yeah,peoplearenowawarethathe



孟浩然《与诸子登岘山》诗:“人事有代谢,往来成古今。江山留胜迹,我辈复登临……羊公碑字在,读罢泪沾襟。”该诗句可以体现 ①文化是人类社会实践的产物②文化具有继承



“人人自有定盘针,万化根源总在心。却笑从前颠倒见,枝枝叶叶外头寻。”这首诗反映了 A.孟子的“仁政” B.董仲舒的“独尊儒术” C.王阳明的“心学” D.顾炎武
