选择题:It never entered my mind that you went about givin

It never entered my mind that you went about giving money away in that careless manner.
A. I never thought that you give money away so quickly
B. I never thought that you give money away so carelessly
C. I never thought you would never give money to others.
D. I never thought you were a careless person to give money away.

19.时代精神赋予中国精神以时代内涵,民族精神赋予中国精神以( ),是中华民族精神独立性得以保持的重

19.时代精神赋予中国精神以时代内涵,民族精神赋予中国精神以( ),是中华民族精神独立性得以保持的重要保证。A.民族特征B.国家特色C.时代潮流D.民族特色
