单选题:女性,36岁,主诉左下后牙残根,要求拔除。平时无不适症状。查左下第一前磨牙冠黄褐色残根状,探硬无龋坏,牙髓活力正常。应诊 题目分类:口腔执业医师 题目类型:单选题 查看权限:VIP 题目内容: 女性,36岁,主诉左下后牙残根,要求拔除。平时无不适症状。查左下第一前磨牙冠黄褐色残根状,探硬无龋坏,牙髓活力正常。应诊断为 参考答案: 答案解析:
Which area can a person who is interested in Internet go to? Which area can a person who is interested in Internet go to?He can go to _______ 分类:口腔执业医师 题型:单选题 查看答案
根据以下资料回答题A large number of documents are used in the modern 根据以下资料回答题A large number of documents are used in the modern international trade 分类:口腔执业医师 题型:单选题 查看答案