在幼儿园实践中某些教师认为幼儿进餐、睡眠、茶点等是保育,只有上课才是传授知识、发展智力的唯一途径,不注意利用各环节的教育价值,这种做法违反了( )。
某企业购入机器设备一台,价格为50 000元,增值税为8 500元,运达该企业的运输费为2 000元,安装时,耗用材料5
某企业购入机器设备一台,价格为50 000元,增值税为8 500元,运达该企业的运输费为2 000元,安装时,耗用材料5 000元,耗用人工工资3 000元,该
Scientists, who are now aware of how nautiluses regulate the
Scientists, who are now aware of how nautiluses regulate their buoyancy, have be
He has been granted asylum in France.
He has been granted asylum in France. A.power B.relief C.protection D.license
What is the most important feature of the backpack invented
What is the most important feature of the backpack invented by Lawrence C.Rome a
会计软件是以( )为技术基础。
会计软件是以( )为技术基础。 A.会计制度 B.会计理论 C.计算机和通信技术 D.会计方法
( )使用普通发票。
( )使用普通发票。 A.营业税纳税人 B.增值税小规模纳税人 C.具有法定情形的一般纳税人 D.一般纳税人
权益在境外上市的境内公司应符合的条件,正确的是( )。
权益在境外上市的境内公司应符合的条件,正确的是( )。A.产权明晰,不存在产权争议或潜在产权争议 B.有完整的业务体系和良好的持续经营能力 C.公司及其主要股
IP地址中的四组数中其中任何一组数都不可以大于( )。
IP地址中的四组数中其中任何一组数都不可以大于( )。 A.192 B.168 C.256 D.255
利润表上的利润总额=主营业务利润+其他业务利润+营业利润。( )
利润表上的利润总额=主营业务利润+其他业务利润+营业利润。( )
Paragraph 7__________.
Paragraph 7__________.A.Risk of Screening to Younger Women B.Investigating the E
回答下题:What made it hard for the rescue teams to approach the
回答下题:What made it hard for the rescue teams to approach the earthquake zone?A. T
Paul Revere made his famous midnight ride to warn American p
Paul Revere made his famous midnight ride to warn American patriots that the ene
A drop in the overall price of goods and services may signal
A drop in the overall price of goods and services may signal a period of deflati
全家41:1人,父亲比母亲大3岁.姐姐比弟弟大2岁。四年前他们全家的年龄和为58岁,而现在是73岁。问现在父亲、母亲的年龄是多少?A.32,29 B.34,31
What explanation is given by Jerry Hayes to the phenomenon?
What explanation is given by Jerry Hayes to the phenomenon? A.Farmers apply cert
According to the fourth paragraph, which of the following is
According to the fourth paragraph, which of the following is NOT true? A. No nuc