多选题:Bodiam Castle in East Sussex,England,is the quintessential c

  • 题目分类:GRE
  • 题目类型:多选题
  • 查看权限:VIP
Bodiam Castle in East Sussex,England,is the quintessential child’sdrawing of acastle-perfectly rectangular,with crenellated towers atall four corners.
  Although the interior is in ruins,the exterior largelysurvives,having had only Line minimal restorationssince its original construction in 1385.Built by aknight(5) of King Edward Ⅲ,Sir Edward Dalyngrigge,it lasted through two major sieges, oneduring the War of the Roses and one during the English Civil War.By theeighteenth century it was overgrown and in disrepair,a favorite romantic
  settingfor painters of the era.Not until its purchase by Lord Curzon in l917 did the castle beginto see life again.Lord Curzon was fascinated byarchitectural
  (10)preservation;after restoring much ofthe castle’sunderpinnings,hewilled the rebuilt structure to the National Trust.Thecastle,complete with museum,isnowa favorite tourist destination.
  Consider each of the choicesseparately and select all that apply. 根据以上内容,回答问题。
The author implies which of the followingabout Lord Curzon?
  Select one answer choice.

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在选定文件或文件夹后,下列操作能修改文件或文件夹名称的是(  )。A.在“文件”菜单中选择“重命名”命令,然后建入新文件名再按回车 B.选择要改名的文件或文


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计算机替代手工记账的基本要求包括(  )。A.配备适用的会计软件 B.配有专用的或主要用于会计核算工作的计算机或计算机终端 C.配有与会计电算化工作需要相


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我国宗教信仰自由政策的实质是(  )。A.积极鼓励人们信仰宗教 B.国家对任何宗教活动都不干涉 C.国家使宗教信仰问题成为公民个人自由选择的问题,成为公民


委托开发项目和合作开发项目的区别在于(  )。

委托开发项目和合作开发项目的区别在于(  )。A.合作开发项目的当事人共同从事研究开发工作,而委托开发项目只需研究开发另一方进行从事研究开发工作 B.合作开


合同当事人一方将其权利和义务一并转让给第三人,第三人概括承受该合同的权利义务。这中行为被称为(  )。

合同当事人一方将其权利和义务一并转让给第三人,第三人概括承受该合同的权利义务。这中行为被称为(  )。A.债权转让 B.债务承担 C.代位权 D.权利义
