单选题:根据下面资料,回答题。Terry Wolfisch Cole may seem like an ordinary 40

  • 题目分类:英语六级
  • 题目类型:单选题
  • 查看权限:VIP
Terry Wolfisch Cole may seem like an ordinary 40-year-old mom, but her neighbors know the truth: She's one of the "Pod People." At the supermarket she wanders the aisles in a self-contained bubble, thanks to her iPod digital music player. Through those little white ear buds, Wolfisch Cole listens to a playlist mixed by her favorite disc presenter-herself.
At home, when the kids are tucked away, Wolfisch Cole often escapes to another solo media pod- but in this one, she's transmitting instead of just receiving. On her computer web log, or "blog", she types an online journal chronicling daily news of her life, then shares it all with the Web.
Wolfisch Cole-who also gets her daily news customized off the Internet and whose digital video recorder (DVR)scans through the television wasteland to find and record shows that suit her tastes-is part of a new breed of people who are filtering, shaping and even creating media for themselves. They are increasingly turning their backs on the established system of mass media that has provided news and entertainment for the past half-century. They've joined the exploding "iMedia" revolution, putting the power of media in the hands of ordinary people.
The tools of the movement consist of a bubbling stew of new technologies that include iPods, blogs, podcasts, DVRs, customized online newspapers, and satellite radio.
Devotees of iMedia run the gamut (范围)from the 89-year-old New York grandmother, known as Bubby, who has taken up blogging to share herworldly advice, to 11-year-old Dylan Verdi of Texas, who has started broadcasting her own homemade TV show or "vlog', for video web log. In between are countless iMedia enthusiasts like Rogier van Bakel, 44, of Maine, who blogs at night, reads a Web- customized news page in the morning, travels with his fully loaded iPod and comes home to watch whatever the DVR has chosen for him.
If the old media model was broadcasting, this new phenomenon might" be called ego-casting, says Christine Rosen, a fellow with the Ethics and Public Policy Center. The term fits, she says, because the trend is all about me-me-media -" the idea is to get exactly what you want, when and where you want it."
Rosen and others trace the beginnings of the iMedia revolution to the invention of the TV remote, which marked the first subtle shift of media control away from broadcasters and into the hands of the average couch potato. It enabled viewers to vote with their thumbs-making it easier to abandon dull programs and avoid commercials. With the proliferation (激增)of cable TV channels in the late 1980s followed by the mid-1990s arrival of the Internet, controlling media input wasn't just a luxury. "Control has become a necessity," says Bill Rose, "Without it, there's no way to sort through all the options that are becoming available."
Who is Terry Wolfisch Cole probably according to the passage? A.A middle-aged housewife.
B.A saleswoman in the supermarket.
C.A disc presenter.
D.An online news writer.



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听材料,回答下列问题:A.The man's first full-time job. B.The man's previous part-time job.


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假设检验的基本步骤为:( )A.建立假设 B.确定检验统计量及拒绝域形式 C.给定显著性水平α D.给出临界值,确定接受域 E.给出临界值,确定


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