填空题:What element will help fight against age spots and wrinkles 题目分类:英语三级B级 题目类型:填空题 查看权限:VIP 题目内容: What element will help fight against age spots and wrinkles? __________________________________________________ 参考答案: 答案解析:
因保险合同纠纷提起的诉讼,如果保险标的物是运输工具或者运输中的货物,管辖机构不包括( )。 因保险合同纠纷提起的诉讼,如果保险标的物是运输工具或者运输中的货物,管辖机构不包括( )。A.被告住所地或者运输工具登记注册地人民法院管辖 B.运输目的地人民 分类:英语三级B级 题型:填空题 查看答案
下列选项中,会计人员( )发生变更,可以不向会计从业资格管理机构办理从业档案信息变更登记。 下列选项中,会计人员( )发生变更,可以不向会计从业资格管理机构办理从业档案信息变更登记。A.学历 B.学位 C.会计岗位 D.会计专业技术职务资格 分类:英语三级B级 题型:填空题 查看答案
It is no much use my (buy) ______________laptop if you don't It is no much use my (buy) ______________laptop if you don't like it. 分类:英语三级B级 题型:填空题 查看答案
Both of the twin brothers are capable of doing ( technique ) Both of the twin brothers are capable of doing ( technique )______________work a 分类:英语三级B级 题型:填空题 查看答案
When we arrived at the station, it was said that the train w When we arrived at the station, it was said that the train would be late for ten 分类:英语三级B级 题型:填空题 查看答案