单选题:Most men and women pass through life without ever considerin

  • 题目分类:英语
  • 题目类型:单选题
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Most men and women pass through life without ever considering or criticizing 21 their own conditions or those of the world at large.They find themselves born into a certain place in 22 ,and they accept what each day 23 ,without any thought beyond what the immediate present requires.They seek the 24 of the needs of the moment,without much forethought,and 25 thinking that by sufficient effort the conditions of their lives 26 be changed.A certain percentage,guided by personal ambition, 27 the effort of thought and will which is necessary to place themselves among the more fortunate members of the community;but very 28 among these are seriously concerned to secure for all the advantages which they seek for 29 .0nly a few rare and exceptional men have that kind of love toward 30 at large that makes them unable to endure patiently the general mass of evil and suffering, 31 of any relation it may have to their own lives.These 32 ,driven by sympathetic pain,will seek for some new system of society by which life may become richer,more full of 33 and less full of preventable evils 34 it is at present.But in the past such men have,as a rule,failed to interest the very victims of the injustices 35 they wished to remedy. A.if

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